Paycheck Protection Program: Top 10 Questions

Dale Ruther covers the top 10 questions (and answers) we hear most with the Paycheck Protection Program loans.

  1. When is the loan forgiveness period?
  2. How do we calculate full-time employees?
  3. How does the safe harbor calculation work?
  4. What payroll costs are forgiven?
  5. What is the 75 / 25 rule?
  6. What basis of accounting is used during the forgiveness period?
  7. What are the key questions and answers by the SBA?
  8. What documentation will be required?
  9. What strategies can companies use to maximize loan forgiveness?
  10. What’s the best way to account for these funds?

About the Authors

Dale A. Ruther
Dale A. Ruther
Partner Emeritus,


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