BMF Akron Office Closure Beginning May 1

Beginning May 1, our Akron Office will be closed to the public for renovations but will remain available to assist you. Contact your BMF Advisor or call 330.762.9785 to speak with someone who can help. We anticipate renovations taking several weeks, so stay tuned for updates!

Articles & Publications

Solving the Case of Hidden Funds

In many financial forensic contexts, such as divorce or fraud investigations, the parties involved may have a financial motivation to conceal assets or income sources. Finding these misappropriated items can be difficult; however, financial experts are trained in investigative techniques*. Read More >>

Don’t Be a Victim: Stay Vigilant for Evolving Fraud Schemes

March 14, 2022 Accounting & FinanceFraud BMF

Fraudsters have become increasingly creative in finding ways to exploit vulnerabilities and unlawfully access personal and/or business information and assets. These cons have evolved over the years with dramatic spikes during times of economic and political global duress. Fraudsters. Read More >>

Being More Vigilant Online

Cybersecurity awareness tells us that when there are high levels of fear, uncertainty and doubt that is when we are most susceptible to being attacked or exploited. The bad actors out there, they know this – and they are. Read More >>

4 Steps to an Effective Fraud Prevention Strategy

Fraud perpetrated against a company can result in significant damages and recent data suggests that fraud losses at manufacturing companies can be particularly devastating. According to the 2018 Report to the Nations published by the Association of Certified Fraud. Read More >>

Red Flags for Ponzi Schemes

Have you ever heard the phrase “rob Peter to pay Paul”? This, my friends, is a great metaphor for how a Ponzi scheme works. Essentially, this phrase means to take something away from one person (Peter) to pay another. Read More >>

The Fraudulent Illusion of Early Revenue Recognition

Improper revenue recognition has long accounted for a substantial portion of financial statement fraud. By simply recording revenue early, a dishonest business seller trying to inflate the sale price or an employee under pressure to meet financial benchmarks can. Read More >>

Your Company and Your Plan Participants – At Risk for Identity Theft?

News of commercial database hackings involving millions of people’s personal information seems commonplace. While many of these stories focus on bank and credit card accounts, many plan sponsors and participants don’t realize that 401(k) plan assets may be at. Read More >>

The Enemy Within: How can you prevent employee fraud?

Occupational, or employee, fraud is an ongoing hazard to businesses’ bottom lines. It can take several forms from skimming to billing schemes, corruption, and asset misappropriation. In their 2018 Report to the Nations, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Read More >>

Nonprofit Insights: Nonprofit Internal Controls Fight Technology-Related Fraud

The ability to make and accept online payments and maintain databases (with detailed constituent profiles) offers obvious benefits to nonprofits under time and financial pressures. But it may also be subject to fraud attempts that can dodge your traditional. Read More >>

Fraud Vulnerability: Where Are Your Weaknesses

In the wake of the recent Equifax data breach, manufacturers should reassess their risk of fraud. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), manufacturing ranks among the top three industries with the greatest number of fraud cases. Read More >>