BMF Akron Office Closure Beginning May 1

Beginning May 1, our Akron Office will be closed to the public for renovations but will remain available to assist you. Contact your BMF Advisor or call 330.762.9785 to speak with someone who can help. We anticipate renovations taking several weeks, so stay tuned for updates!

Articles & Publications

Webinar: COVID-19 Impact on Mergers & Acquisitions

April 15, 2020 COVID-19 CoronavirusValuation BMF

Join us for a presentation focused on how businesses can navigate the current conditions, leverage available resources and develop a plan for the future resurgence and growth of the economy. This panel of legal, accounting, employee benefits, insurance and. Read More >>

Navigating Challenging Times: Protect Your Cash Flow

Social distancing. Remote workforces. Making payroll. Information overload. Running a business isn’t easy under ordinary circumstances, let alone during the unprecedented volatile economic environment driven by the COVID-19 crisis. We need to take care of each other and that. Read More >>

When Assets are Divided: Goodwill in Divorce

February 24, 2020 Valuation

One of the most wearisome aspects of divorce is when there is a division of assets. While some marital assets are readily divisible, such as a joint bank account, other assets, such as ownership in a privately held business,. Read More >>

Sell-Side Strategies: Preparing Your Business for Sale

January 20, 2020 Valuation

As seen in Crain’s Cleveland ACG Corporate Growth & M&A edition, January 2020 There are a myriad of diligence issues that can adversely impact purchase price and sometimes kill the deal. While there is no absolute on completely avoiding. Read More >>

Business Interruption – 5 Pitfalls that can foul-up your claim

November 12, 2019 Valuation

To weather a business interruption, damaged businesses need to be made whole again as quickly as possible. Business interruption (BI) insurance – or business income insurance – is a type of insurance that covers the loss of income because. Read More >>

Due Diligence: Staying ahead of the game

September 11, 2019 Valuation

You wouldn’t buy a car without having your trusted mechanic look under the hood, right? That same idea should be applied when buying a company without having your trusted financial advisor perform due diligence. Whether you’re buying a car. Read More >>

Valuation Considerations in Buy-Sell Agreements

August 19, 2019 Valuation

Every business with more than one owner needs a buy-sell agreement to handle voluntary and involuntary ownership transfers. A well-written buy-sell agreement will cover valuation considerations in addition to legal and tax matters. Buy-sell agreements should be put into. Read More >>

Shareholder Loans – The Real McCoy

As part of the appraisal process, the value of a shareholder loan is considered, which oftentimes leads to these loans being adjusted. Back in college, accounting 101 instructed us on the treatment of loans. Loans owed to the company. Read More >>

Avoiding and Resolving Post-Acquisition Disputes

May 21, 2019 Valuation

Sometimes mergers and acquisitions don’t meet the expectations of the buyer and/or seller for a variety of reasons. In some cases, forecasted results contain unrealistic synergies or cost savings. In other cases, misrepresentations are made regarding the Company’s historical. Read More >>

Red Flags for Ponzi Schemes

Have you ever heard the phrase “rob Peter to pay Paul”? This, my friends, is a great metaphor for how a Ponzi scheme works. Essentially, this phrase means to take something away from one person (Peter) to pay another. Read More >>